Zero Liquid Discharge

     This is the most advanced wastewater treatment technology that virtually removes most unwanted contaminant from the effluent and recycle almost all of the wastewater produced. ZLD system refers to a treatment process in which the plant discharges no liquid effluent into surface water, in effect completely eliminating the environmental pollution associated with treatment. The focus of ZLD is to reduce wastewater economically and produce clean water that is suitable for reuse (e.g., irrigation), thereby saving money and being beneficial to the environment. A ZLD treatment system utilizes advanced technological water treatment processes to limit liquid waste at the end of industrial processes. STTIPL has an unparalleled depth of experience in zero liquid discharge (ZLD), which includes many installations, including Multi-effect Evaporators, MVR Evaporators, Agitated Thin Film Dryers, Centrifuges and Stripper Columns.

Evaporators are mechanical devices designed to transform liquid wastewater into vapor, leaving behind concentrated solids and impurities. This process capitalizes on the principle of phase change – where a liquid absorbs heat and transitions into vapor. In Zero Liquid Discharge systems, evaporators are instrumental in reducing the volume of liquid waste and recovering valuable resources.

  • Falling Film Evaporator
  • Forced Circulation Evaporator
  • MVRE (Mechanical Vapor Recompression Evaporator)

Dryers play a crucial role in ZLD systems by efficiently removing moisture from the solid waste generated during the treatment process. This enables maximum water recovery, minimizing liquid discharge and reducing water consumption.

  • ATFE (Agitated Thin Film Evaporator)
  • ATFD (Agitated Thin Film Dryer)
  • Disc Dryer
  • Rotary Dryer
  • Peddle Dryer
  • Spray Dryer